5 points to check prior to online shopping

  1. Is the seller legitimate? Is the seller/website reputable? Do some web research before you invest your hard-earned money. Check to see if they have a physical address or a phone number where they may be reached for information. Also, check the payment method and gateway. Most payment platforms offer assistance in the event of fraudulent transactions and disputes.
  2. Is the price too high or too low? To avoid being ripped off, always check the manufacturer’s prices before purchasing from other merchants. Also, don’t believe the low prices. They could be damaged or models that did not go through quality control. Sometimes vendors specify why they’re discounting items, such as “damaged package” or “slightly damaged.”.
  3. Item Condition Most websites specify the model status as new or used. The most popular name for a perfectly maintained model in its original packaging is “mint.” It also signifies that the model was never removed from its original manufacturer’s packaging. As previously said, most vendors sell used models that were displayed or purchased from another collector. There’s no harm in collecting them, but keep an eye out for breakage, paint defects, and missing parts.
  4. Check for shipping prices. It varies by country and manner (e.g., standard or express). It may also vary with weight.Please contact the vendor regarding the charges.
  5. Refund Policy A reputable selling platform will have a reasonable return policy in the event of a disappointing experience, including damage occurring during shipping and delivery. Request a refund for incorrect orders and damaged models as soon as you notice them.

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